Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 2! The Day of All Things

Good morning again, quilters! Today is a busy day for me - I have to walk our dogs this morning, go to work, pick up Taco Tuesday tacos on the way home and THEN, hopefully, get some crafty time in.

Anyone else have a full schedule? How do you make time for all of the things in your life that need attention? I have tried so many different ways - a written schedule, making appointments with myself in my phone calendar app, just dropping everything to do what needs to be done in that moment....maybe that last one isn't so much a plan, but you get my meaning!!

My goal quilt block for tonight is Farmer's Wife Quilt Block #48 - Homeward Bound. It speaks to me today, since from the moment I leave the house, home is the only place I want to be. :)

Take care today quilters! And check back later for some pics of my crazy day!!

Take care of yourselves!

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