Monday, July 2, 2018

Hi Everyone!

I am Anne and you will normally find me on Instagram @said_with_love or @anneboundy. And I love blogging and posting pictures of my makes at

I am excited about July on 52Quilters because it is all about SCRAPS!

It took me a while into quilting to come to terms with scraps... at first I kept ABSOLUTELY every piece I trimmed off. You can just imagine how overwhelming that became VERY fast!

So now I keep everything that is larger than a 2.5" square and about half a F8 in size in my rainbow coloured scrap drawers!

I found these at a local Spotlight store last year and they have been working very well for me.

I keep them right next to my cutting table so when I am finished cutting a project/block, I trim them up and place them in their correct coloured drawer :)

The drawers pull out, so when I need to be using my blues for example, I just grab the drawer and pop it up onto my cutting table to select the pieces I need.

Some people have suggested cutting the pieces into specific sizes but I haven't found that works for me. I stress too much that I will cut a piece too small and then discover I need it slightly larger for whatever project I am going to do! 

So a little about me.... I live near Daylesford in Victoria, Australia with my hubby @thefabrichusband in a gorgeous 100 year old country cottage surrounded by farming land and beautiful views. Our property has its own spring fed lake complete with our ducks and every other bird life I can name (and a few I can't!).

We recently built the Quilt Barn.... a beautiful space where I teach quilting classes and have retreat sewing weekends! (more about that over at Said With Love )

I am a total fabricaholic and there are sooooo many quilts I want to make (FYI the one in the barn picture above is my Farm Girl Vintage quilt in Sweetwater's feed company fabric).

The scrappiest quilt I have made so far is the Tula Pink Butterfly Quilt that I made during a sew along last year. Totally scrappy from my stash (and scrap drawers!) with lots of cotton + steel in there.

It is King size and I managed to quilt it on my Janome 9400QCP in two days! (yep, Xmas deadline for that one!)

I hope you enjoy this month of scraps over on Instagram - come and join the fun!

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