Saturday, August 15, 2015

How to do it all!

Wouldn't that be a great blog post? Tell us the answers to how to have it all, have extra hours in the day, make 52 quilts a year!?

I get teased a lot at my quilt guild meetings, by folks who want to know how I do so much with four little kids. And the truth is simple: I don't clean!

Ha! I do clean, but only what I have to! And I've always been good at multi-tasking. I can cook dinner and cut out a quilt. And here's how: I keep everything at hand.

My sewing room is very small, and mostly is used to store my extensive yarn collection (ahem), and small fabric stash and my crafty library. So I do all of my work in the main part of the house. Our house is pretty small, so from the kitchen and dining table, I can see and hear most of what is going on in the house. I sew at the table while the kids do art or build legos. I cut at our kitchen island while I make dinner, or the kids eat lunch.

And I keep lots of projects in different stages, which I think helps in a variety of ways. If I have things prepped for piecing or fabrics pulled to be cut, I can work on those in a few minutes at a time. I think it also helps to not get bored with one particular project!

I'd love to hear how you make time for your projects! How do you balance what you have to do, with what you need to do?

Post by Jenn - Week #32: 

Jenn is an avid knitter and quilter living in Fort Worth, Texas. For her on twitter at @knitlit or on instagramt at  mommy sew.

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